Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thank You Cards

So I have had a huge pile of cards sitting in my kitchen, and every day I look at them and think I need to get thank you cards out. I may have jumped the gun to get it done, and I designed a dumb thank you card. Square One was way too efficient and printed them before I could change it. I know it doesn't make sense, it needs "from" on the card somewhere, but it didn't look good. I showed Cole and he thought it didn't make sense and it was too late. So just pretend when you get it, that it makes sense! I had to put this disclaimer on it, because I am embarrassed to send them out and didn't want to pay to re-print them.


  1. I don't think they are dumb at all. The scrolls separate the Thank You from the Mr & Mrs. They are really cute!

  2. Those are so cute, Oh I love them!

    You are seriously so talented, it blows my mind!!
